martedì, gennaio 30, 2007

Confessions of Frustrations

I confess that I was infatuated with you the very first moment I saw you.
I confess that I was still infatuated even when I found out you were attached.
I confess that I was still infatuated when you left, as abruptly as you came.
I confess that I was still infatuated as I continued my feeble attempts to ensure that you would not disappear from my life.
I confess that I was still infatuated when I heard you broke up.
I confess that I was still infatuated as a glimmer of hope arose from the abyss of my heart.
I confess that I was still infatuated when that glimmer was squelched after you found someone else.
I confess that I was still infatuated even as I reasoned that I should give up hope, since we were so far apart.
I confess that I was still infatuated when you broke up, found someone else, broke up, found someone else, broke up, found someone else, broke up.
I confess that I was still infatuated even as that glimmer of hope, like a cockroach, refused to die.
I confess that I was still infatuated when I nurtured that hope during the few precious days we spent together; after so, so long.
I confess that I was still infatuated when you left for the second time, taking with you a part of me that I can never regain.
I confess that I was still infatuated as I cursed myself for not having the courage to tell you how I felt when I had the chance.
I confess that I was still infatuated as I cursed the distance that separated us.
I confess that I was still infatuated as I cursed my inability to bridge that distance.
I confess that I was still infatuated even while you told me you found someone new. Big surprise.
I confess that today, I no longer bear an infatuation for you.
I confess that it has now become an obsession.

I confess that obsessive behaviour is detrimental to my sanity; but at least it gives me something to do in the meantime.

That is all.

Ye who seek for audience, let ye speak now!

And so it came to past that at 05 febbraio, 2007 15:17, in the presence of The Eddie G., Anonymous Anonimo had spoken the following...

Why not you just confess that you are bored and have got nothing better to do but to play the confess game?

I confess that i am bored. I confess that i'm simply blog hopping around. That i confess.

What's ur confession?

But we should not speak the truth cos the truth is nothing but the truth, so yawn inducing.

And so it came to past that at 05 febbraio, 2007 19:26, in the presence of The Eddie G., Blogger Eddie G. had spoken the following...

I confess that I'm hiding behind a skirt of anonymity.

I confess that I am not courageous enough to make myself known.

I confess that it gives me gratification to spew absolute crap simply because no one can trace where I'm coming from.

I confess that this is the truth


And so it came to past that at 07 febbraio, 2007 23:03, in the presence of The Eddie G., Anonymous Anonimo had spoken the following...

I confess I have nothing better to do.

I confess that I feel that you'er just wallowing in self-pity.

I confess that it actually feels good to wallow in self-pity every once in a while.

I confess that it's actually even more fun b*tching & whinging while you're doing the above. ;P

And so it came to past that at 08 febbraio, 2007 12:30, in the presence of The Eddie G., Blogger Eddie G. had spoken the following...

Amen, brother Spanky, amen :P

And so it came to past that at 13 febbraio, 2007 13:47, in the presence of The Eddie G., Blogger Leanne had spoken the following...

ooooooh you sinner! so many confessions in such little time - tahaahaha

in two weeks time we shall rendezvous again! yayyyyyyyyyy.

i feel like teh ais, satu - myehehe.

And so it came to past that at 14 febbraio, 2007 18:54, in the presence of The Eddie G., Blogger joanne liyeng had spoken the following...

hahahaha your post reminded me of confession of pain. loved the movie.


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