domenica, agosto 26, 2007


As a kid I learnt German for about 3 years, but it was discontinued because I began to lose interest. Today however, I wanted to revisit my childhood German, so I started to make fun of Pei Wen. To my surprise, she replied (in equally broken German, albeit). Turns out she also had a flair for German as a kid too. What are the odds?

In any case, we proceeded to have a conversation in quite possibly broken German (the kind which might make REAL Germans reconsider becoming neo-Nazi once more). It went something like this.


His Eminence Archduke Edwin Aegnor I says:
So wie war Ihr Wochenende?

sin(p.ÿð)² . says:
Ziemlich Ermüden, Reisen hin und her, wie um Sie

His Eminence Archduke Edwin Aegnor I says:
Es war eine surrealistische Woche für mich. Mein Freund ist kürzlich gestorben. Ich scherze nicht

His Eminence Archduke Edwin Aegnor I says:
Warum haben Sie gemusst, zu Ipoh zu reisen?

sin(p.ÿð)² . says:
Ernst? Was ist zu Ihrem Freund geschehen?

sin(p.ÿð)² . says:
Mein Vater wollte nur zurück gehen, die Großmutter zu sehen die alle, ist sie Rollstuhl gewesen der ist gebunden worden

His Eminence Archduke Edwin Aegnor I says:
Herzversagen. Sowieso werde ich mehr um dies auf Englisch später erzählen.

sin(p.ÿð)² . says:
Das sehr traurig. Mein Beileid, das an so einem jungen Alter, einem Erbarmen stirbt, der Wille von Gott, den ich annehme.

His Eminence Archduke Edwin Aegnor I says:
Ach stopft. Ich hoffe, dass Ihre Großmutter schnell wiedererlangt. Ich werde für sie beten.

sin(p.ÿð)² . says:
Deshalb wie ist jene Abhandlung von ihrem mitkommend?

sin(p.ÿð)² . says:
Dankt alot übrigens

His Eminence Archduke Edwin Aegnor I says:
Ich zweifle ernsthaft, dass es der Wille von Gott für Ein ist, Junge zu sterben.

sin(p.ÿð)² . says:
Aber Gott dürfte bessere Dinge haben, die für ihn vorbereitet werden, Sie wissen

His Eminence Archduke Edwin Aegnor I says:
Ich nehme an, dass Sie richtig sind. Dennoch ist es traurig.

His Eminence Archduke Edwin Aegnor I says:
Ich stelle es auf Halt, bis ich Arbeit finde.

sin(p.ÿð)² . says:
Wird foward anschauen, es zu lesen So wie bewältigt die Familie ihres Freundes?


Such fun! Yayyy! Now I've found someone whom I can converse with. Wouldn't it be fun. So what exactly did we say in the conversation? That's for you to find out ^_~

Ye who seek for audience, let ye speak now!

And so it came to past that at 01 settembre, 2007 15:56, in the presence of The Eddie G., Blogger Leanne had spoken the following...

hay eddie, it has been a while hasn't it? sorry to hear about your friend zicong.

i was spring cleaning my bedroom when i came across some photos of my trip to singapore last year. hehe was a neat little time wasn't it? a MASSIVE thank you for all you did during that trip - the patient luggage companion at 5am (a struggle, I still remember to this day), the support at Johhny Two Thumbs, a most voiceful shopping kaki (hahah practically said no to everything I looked at), karaoke plus Blujaz, and of course Bintan. i'll always have beautiful memories of those few days. miss you lots and lots! hope all is well x lee


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