lunedì, febbraio 27, 2006

Where Does Poo Come From?

This snippet is taken from the Kelsey Grammer Sketch Show, which I found immensely funny.

5-year-old child: Daddy, where does poo come from?

Dad: Well you see dear, when we eat something, it goes into our body. Then our stomach takes in all the good bits to help you to grow. And those icky little bits that the body cannot use will be flushed out through your bottom. And that is poo.

5-year-old child: Are you sure about this, Daddy?

Dad: Absolutely, sweetheart.

5-year-old child: Then what about Tigger and Piglet?

Ye who seek for audience, let ye speak now!

And so it came to past that at 27 febbraio, 2006 12:47, in the presence of The Eddie G., Anonymous Anonimo had spoken the following...

Poo come from your mouth!!!!!!!!!

And so it came to past that at 27 febbraio, 2006 13:43, in the presence of The Eddie G., Blogger Eddie G. had spoken the following...

Well, you know what they say. One person's poo is another person's lunch.

Yours especially.

And so it came to past that at 03 marzo, 2006 23:34, in the presence of The Eddie G., Anonymous Anonimo had spoken the following...

HAHAHA! That made me laugh out loud =D hillarious stuff.

Missed youuu


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